每次看到中東與伊斯蘭的相關研討會~就會希望有一天可以再回到"士大夫"的領域~(Insha Allah~^^)
時間:2010年11月25~26日 地點:政治大學行政大樓第五會議室
Nov. 25 | |
報到(Registration) (08:30-09:00) | |
開幕致詞(Opening Address) (09:00-09:25) 外交部亞西司、政治大學 (開幕合照) | |
專題演講(Keynote Speech) (09:30-10:20) Ouyang, Wen-chin (歐陽文津,倫敦大學亞非學院 SOAS, University of London) / Religious and Secular Culture in the Arab Middle East(中東宗教與世俗的阿拉伯文化) | |
休息/茶敘(Tea Break) (10:20-10:30) | |
會議場次(一):中東核武問題(Nuclear Issue in the ME) (10:30-12:30) 主持兼回應人:Cheng, Tuan-Yao(鄭端耀) 發表人: 1-- Lee, Deng-Ker(李登科)/ A Study of the conflict between the United States and Iran over the Nuclear Issue(美國與伊朗核武問題之研究)
2-- Riad Kahwaji / Impact of a Potential Military Conflict with Iran on Energy Security (伊朗在能源安全上的潛在軍事衝突)
3-- Fan, T.C. (范代志) / Iran ’s Nuclear Development and China ’s Energy Strategy (伊朗核能發展與中國能源戰略)
4-- Ayman Khalil / Towards a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone in the Middle Eastern Prospects and Obstacles (中東核武自由區的期望與阻礙) | |
午餐論壇 (Lunch Break and ME Forum) (12:30-14:00) 與會者(Participants): Hasan Al-Anbari, Hassnaa Al-Qunai’ir, Mustafa Alani, Mohamed Al-Ansari, Gamal Abdel Gawad Soltan, Mohamed Kadry Said, Mostafa Elwi Saif | |
會議場次(二):中東區域安全(Regional Security in the ME) (14:00-15:30) 主持兼回應人:Yen, Chen-Sheng(嚴震生) 發表人: 1-- Liu, Chang-Cheng (劉長政)/ Whose Islands Are They? – The Unresolvable Issue of Sovereignty of Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs since 1971(波斯灣島嶼主權之探討)
2-- Dan Crisp Mgr. / Disunity in the Arab Region and Issues of Security, Past, Present and Future (阿拉伯區域的不團結及其安全議題)
3-- Lai, Hsin-Yen(賴炘延)/ Security Ideas among Arab States:A Perspective on Non-material Structural Norms(阿拉伯國家之安全觀分析:一個非物質結構規範 的觀點) 4-- Chen, Annie Yi-An (陳怡安)/ Regional and International Impact of the Western Sahara Dispute (西撒哈拉爭議對地區及國際的影響) | |
休息/茶敘(Tea Break) | |
會議場次(三):台灣對外關係(Foreign Relations of Taiwan) (15:45-17:15) 主持兼回應人: Huang, Kwei-Bo(黃奎博) 發表人: 1-- Awni El-Faouri / Taiwan in Light of the Sino-US Relations, a Point of Intersection(錯綜的三邊關係:美中角力下的台灣局勢)
2-- Lee, Hsin-Yun(李欣芸)/ Changing Political Identity in Taiwan, Presidential Election and the Dilemma of cross-Strait Integration(臺灣政治認同的轉換:總統大選及兩岸整合所面臨的難題)
3--Sun, Shao-Cheng(孫紹正)/ Constructing Confidence Building Measures and Paving Peace across the Taiwan Strait(台灣海峽兩岸建立軍事互信機制之芻議) | |
晚宴(Dinner Party) (18:00-20:30) |
Nov. 26 | |
報到(Registration) (08:30-09:00) | |
會議場次(四):台灣-阿拉伯文化認知(Arab-Taiwan Cultural Identity) (09:00-10:30) 主持兼回應人:Jeng, Huey-Tsyr(鄭慧慈) 發表人: 1--Ouyang, Wen-Chin / Images of Taiwan in Arabic Electronic Media(阿拉伯電子傳媒對臺灣的印象)
2—Guo, Jeffrey J.(郭俊偉)/ The Others in We-Group: Collective Imagined Community of Arabic Culture in Taiwan(我群世界中的他群:台灣阿拉伯文化的集體想像共同體)
3--Wang, Ching-Jen (王經仁)/ Magical Realism and its Many Manifestations, a Comparative Study of Magical Realist Writings in Arabic and Taiwanese Literature (魔幻現實主義的多樣性:阿拉伯和台灣文學作品中之魔幻現實主義的比較研究) | |
休息/茶敘(Tea Break) (10:30-10:45) | |
會議場次(五):中東研究與華人穆斯林 (Middle Eastern Studies and Chinese Muslims) (10:45-12:15) 主持兼回應人:Lin, Nabil C-K(林長寬) 發表人: 1--Mazin S. Motabagani / Prospects for Middle Eastern Studies in Taiwan , a Proposal (中東研究在臺灣之前景)
2--Chiou, Syuan-Yuan(邱炫元)/ Confluence of Islam and Chineseness, the case of Indonesian Chinese Muslims’ Da‘wah Activites (伊斯蘭與華族性之匯流:對印尼華人宣教與印尼華人宣教師的傳道策略)
3--Chen, Yi-Wei(陳怡薇)/ The Relation between God and Man, Liu Chih’s Theosophy(回儒劉智之『人神關係』理論,<天方性理>的中心思想) | |
閉幕謝詞(Closing Address) (12:15—12:45) 「中東與伊斯蘭研究中心」成立報告 鄭慧慈(阿拉伯文系主任)、鄭端耀(前國關中心主任) 閉幕合照 |